English Collective Nouns List

English Collective Nouns List

English Collective Nouns List

Flight of Aeroplanes
Flight of Stairs
Garland of Sonnets
Pack of Cards
ream of paper
reel of film
set of clubs
sheaf of grain
stack of wood
string of pearls
wad of notes
pack of cards
packet of letters
pair of shoes
heap of rubbish
hedge of bushes
library of books
an outfit of clothes

pack of thieves
pack of cards
packet of letters
wad of notes
Agenda of Tasks
Anthology of Poems
Anthology of Prose
hand of bananas
harvest of wheat
heap of rubbish
hedge of bushes
Atlas of Maps
Fitting of Sails
Fleet of Boats
Fleet of Cars
Quiver of Arrows
Range of Mountains
Roll of Coins
Rope of Onions
Rope of Pearls
Rouleau of Money
Round of Drinks
Serving of Spoons
leet of Vehic
pack of cards
packet of letters
pair of shoes
quiver of arrows
range of mountains
ream of paper
reel of film
set of clubs
herd of curlew
mob of deer
bowl of rice
Battery of Artillery
Belt of Asteroids
bunch of keys
bundle of sticks
catalogue of prices
chest of drawers
cluster of coconuts
reel of film
set of clubs
string of pearls
tribe of goats
troop of lions
zoo of wild animals
crowd of people
an anthology of poems
horde of savages
bale of cotton
basket of fruit
batch of bread
galaxy of stars
group of islands
fleet of ships
forest of trees
hail of bullets
hand of bananas
harvest of wheat
heap of rubbish
hedge of bushes
library of books
an outfit of clothes
party of friends
mob of rioters
pack of thieves
party of friends
patrol of policemen
posse of policemen
regiment of soldiers
staff of employees
team of players
tribe of natives
troop of scouts
troupe of artistes
colony of gulls
drove of horses
flight of birds
flock of sheep
band of musicians
bevy of ladies
board of directors
body of men
bunch of crocks
caravan of gypsies
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