Computer Notes”


 Computer is an electronic device which can work under the given instruction.
Origin of Computer:
The word computer has been taken from a latin word ‘Compute’ which means ‘to calculate or to solve’
Main Parts Of Computer:
1) Mouse
2) Keyboard
3) System Box/System Unit
4) Moniter/LCD
Components of Computer:
1)        Hardware
2)        Software
1)           Hardware:
The touchable part of computer is called Hardware.
EX: Mouse,Keyboard,moniter,cpu,ram etc.
            Types Of Hardware:
1)         Input device
2)         Output device
3)         Storage device
4)         Processing device
                  Input Device:
Those devices which are used for entering the data in various instruction to the computer is called Input device.
EX: Mouse, keyboard, mic ,  light pen, scanner etc.
                        Output Device:
Those devices which are used for the showing/displaying the result of input instructions in hard or soft is called Output device.
EX: Monitor, speaker, printer etc.
                        Storing Device:
Those devices which are used for the storing of  data permanentlly  in the computer is called Storing device.
EX: USB, Memory card, Floppy disk, Hard disk, CD, DVD etc
                     Processing Device:
Those devices which convert the data into useful information are called Processing device.
EX: CPU (Central processing unit)
2)           Software:
The untouchable part of computer is called Software.
EX: Programms, videos, audios, Games etc
                            Types of Software:
1)                                      Application Software
2)                                      System  software
Application Software:
Those programs / Software which fulfill the requirments of user/operator is called Application software.
EX: Games, MS official, Corel draw, google chrome etc.
                    System Software:
Those programs /softwares which fulfill the requirments of System/computer is called system software.
EX: Windows xp, windows 7, windows 8, windows 10, windows server, mac, linux, computer driver.
         Storage System:
1)        0,1 = Bit
2)        4 Bits = 1 Nibble
3)        8 Bits = 1 Byte/1 Octet
4)        1024 Bytes = 1 KB (Kilo byte)
5)        1024 KB = 1 MB (Mega byte)
6)        1024 MB = 1 GB ( Gega byte)
7)        1024 GB = 1 TB   (Tera byte)

            Number System:
There are four number systems,
1)         Binary number system:
0,1 (2)
Computer language/Machine language
2)         Octet number system:
3)         Decimel number system:
4)         Hexa decimel number system:
Q: What is System Box?
            Name of Processors:
CPU (central processing unit)
Brain of computer
        Name of Cards:
VGA Card
Graphic Card
3D Card


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